What you’ve done for me is amazing, you’ve just made me the happiest woman on earth.

I must confess you’ve made me happy more than you can ever imagine. I pray God continue to use you make to a positive impact on every woman who needs help like me, thanks a lot.

Hello ma,
Compliments of the season.
Ma, let me use this medium to humbly express my gratitude to you and your husband for what GOD used you to accomplish in my life.
All I need do is to cast my mind back to 29th December 2015 when it appeared as if the whole world was collapsing on my head and I nursed the idea of either to willingly lose mental control or exit the world! 😏
Ma, it was so bad that I was summoned to the G.O’s house for prayers and counselling. Nothing they said made any impact on me!
Today, I am singing a different tune! Thank GOD for directing me to Ayomide and for partnering with you to do the impossible! 👊
How do I thank you for the special discounts and the highly personalized care, even to the extent of cooking for me! I say thank you ma. Heaven will not forget your labour ma. Greet Daddy specially for me. I can disturb him!😃 My love to ‘Dr.’ Oreofe,  Salome and her twin brother ( I didn’t capture his name that day).
 I also express my love to the winning team at Ayomide Clinic. May GOD continue to bless them and find them worthy instruments to bring joy to ‘seeking wombs’. I cherish them all. Please ma, extend my warm regards to:
Dr. Oyewo
Dr. Akinyoade
Staff Yomi
Nurse Tobi
Mrs Aderibigbe
Nurse Odun
Nurse Aremu
Nurse Jaiye
Staff Seun
Staff Kemi
And all others whom GOD used so graciously to bless me in 2016.👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Count it all JOY!!!  For more inquiry, Kindly reach us via our Website , you can also call us on +2348037458603 or +2348161832528 , +2347056198676.


Egg donation is usually done when the woman’s eggs are of poor quality and conventional IVF will not succeed.

This is a common problem since it has become normal to delay childbearing in modern society. Other indications for egg donation are premature ovarian failure, previous destructive surgery of the ovaries or previous chemotherapy.

Egg donation is a type of IVF (in vitro fertilization). The recipient of the eggs uses hormone pills (Estradiol tablets). When the lining of the uterus is ready injections with progesterone are added. The eggs are obtained from a donor who undergoes stimulation to grow eggs and then has them extracted in theatre. The donor undergoes exactly the same procedure as a standard IVF.

The eggs are fertilized and then transferred into the recipient’s uterus (womb) 3-5 days after collection. A pregnancy test is performed 11 days after the transfer.

The egg donors are young women (aged 21-32) who go through extensive evaluation prior to becoming a donor. They complete a detailed questionnaire detailing their medical and family history. They also have a full gynecological evaluation and psychological assessment by a clinical psychologist. They all have the following blood tests performed – HIV, CMV, RPR (for syphilis) and Hepatitis B and C serology. Additional tests may also be requested by the recipients.

Information regarding the donors i.e. age, physical characteristics, occupation, hobbies and personality can be used to help choose the appropriate donor but remains the exclusive right of the hospital. This information are not to be divulged to the couple receiving egg except when requested by Health Minister or court of Law.

Donors are compensated for expenses incurred during the procedure but may not receive any other payment for the procedure of egg donation i.e. transport allowance & inconvenience allowance.